November 29, 2002
Volume 37 • Issue 46

hCanvassers shift into high gear as campaign slowly winds down

ATESS toll booth helps restock food bank

Hockey Night in Edmonton Garrison!

CanJet salutes the Canadian Forces

The CDS’ open letter on harassment

437 Squadron’s support to Her Majesty’s Golden Jubilee visit

437 Squadron delivers Prime Minister to Prague


Hockey Night in Edmonton Garrison!

   EDMONTON GARRISON — Don Cherry and Ron MacLean visited the soldiers of 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group, November 22, 2002 to show their support to our troops. They observed static and dynamic displays of the soldiers’ vehicles, weapons and equipment and spent time socializing with the troops and signing autographs.

   The Canadian celebrities were invited to the Garrison to show appreciation to the soldiers of 1 Brigade for their dedication to the Canadian Forces. Both Don Cherry and Ron MacLean are strong proponents of hard work, leadership, teamwork and dedication - all characteristics that parallel those of our soldiers.

   The next day at the Skyreach Centre, Hockey Night In Canada’s Don Cherry arrived in a LAV III armoured personnel carrier.

   Soldiers of the Third Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry provided a six-member ‘close protection party’ to Cherry in thanks for his morale-raising visit to the troops.

   1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group is the primary Regular Force combat formation in Western Canada, consisting of about 3,900 soldiers located in Edmonton, Winnipeg and Shilo, Man.

   Message from Don Cherry for the soldiers overseas: “We wish you were all here, we’re going to have some fun, we’re going out to see the rest of them. We want to wish you Godspeed and all the best and come back safely. Thanks a lot.”

   Article and photos courtesy of the Western Sentinel and LFWA Public Affairs.

Don Cherry and Ron MacLean enjoying the moment alongside members of the PPCLI.

Don Cherry and Ron MacLean take time to meet the troops and to sign autographs.

Questions or Comments?

Andrea LeBlanc - Editor
(613) 392-2811 ext. 7005

Kevin Bedard - Web Development Co-ordinator
Cell: (613) 921-8280