November 29, 2002
Volume 37 • Issue 46

Canvassers shift into high gear as campaign slowly winds down

ATESS toll booth helps restock food bank

Hockey Night in Edmonton Garrison!

CanJet salutes the Canadian Forces

The CDS’ open letter on harassment

437 Squadron’s support to Her Majesty’s Golden Jubilee visit

437 Squadron delivers Prime Minister to Prague


ATESS toll booth helps restock food bank

by Laurie McVicar
Assistant Editor

   ATESS held its 6th annual toll booth last Thursday at the north gate to collect money and groceries for the Trenton Food Bank.

   This year’s event was again a successful one for the squadron and netted $1,315.50 and aproximately 1,260 lbs of food.

   Cpl Lyn Coltart, organizer, expresses her thanks to the following people and organizations for assisting ATESS exceed last year’s totals:

  • Tim Hortons - Monogram Place Trenton;
  • Matt Goodman & CJTN Radio Trenton;
  • Jodie Jenkins, Shawn Kelly & the staff of Mix ‘97 Radio;
  • Bill Morton - Quinte Broadcasting;
  • Steve Morton & Anne Werkhoven - Cogeco ;
  • Community Channel 4;
  • Mark Philbin & the staff of OJ 95.5 Radio;
  • and all personnel who opened their hearts (and wallets) and contributed.

   “We hope to see you all again next year,” said Cpl Coltart.

   If you missed your opportunity to support the food bank at the toll booth, you’ll have another chance on December 13 during the Blind Volleyball Challenge.

   This event is being organized by the Fitness and Sports Staff and will take place at The Gym. For a donation of at least two non-perishable food items per person, 8 Wing/CFB Trenton members can sign up a team of six players to compete. If you are interested, contact Tracey Martin at local 2986 before Dec. 10 to register.

   “In Trenton, we have many people who rely heavily on the Trenton Care and Share Food Bank to feed themselves and their families,” said Manny Raspberry, Fitness and Sports Director. “With rising client numbers and a decrease in annual donations, the food bank is quickly running out of supplies. You don’t have to participate in the Volleyball Challenge to donate as there are many drop-off boxes throughout the city - including the main lobby of The Gymnasium.”

Questions or Comments?

Andrea LeBlanc - Editor
(613) 392-2811 ext. 7005

Kevin Bedard - Web Development Co-ordinator
Cell: (613) 921-8280