November 29, 2002
Volume 37 • Issue 46

Canvassers shift into high gear as campaign slowly winds down

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Canvassers shift into high gear as campaign slowly winds down

by Laurie McVicar
Assistant Editor

   As events in support of the United Way/Health Partners campaign slowly begin to wind down, a major push has begun to ensure 100 per cent of 8 Wing/CFB personnel have been canvassed.

   According to Capt Bill Dymond, campaign coordinator, more than 73 per cent of the Wing/Base has already been canvassed and hopes remain high that the goal will be surpassed as it was last year.

   “So far we have 15 units / squadrons /sections that have been canvassed 100 per cent. Nine have 70 per cent or more canvassed,” said Capt. Dymond. “We have some stragglers.”

   The campaign will wrap up on December 13 with a hockey game sponsored by ATESS. Senior officers will face off against junior officers at the RCAF Flyers Arena from 8–11 a.m. to claim the new BGen Dwayne Lucas Cup.

   Personnel at 81 AEF are also working to raise money for United Way/HealthPartners through an upcoming draw. The winner will receive a hand-crafted blanket chest constructed with solid oak and lined with cedar. Tickets will be on sale for $5 each or three for $10 at the following locations:

WCE canteen, Dec. 2-6, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
CANEX, Dec. 7-8, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
WCE Canteen, Dec. 9-12, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
The draw will be held at WCE on Thursday, Dec. 12 at 1230 hrs.

   This year’s campaign has featured some outstanding events including the Wing Commander’s Challenge in September, head shaving, the Jail and Bail, a hockey tournament, and most recently a Music Night. Congratulations are to be extended to all personnel who helped make this year’s campaign the success it has become.

   For those who have not yet donated and would like to, please contact your unit/squadron/section’s canvasser as soon as possible.

Questions or Comments?

Andrea LeBlanc - Editor
(613) 392-2811 ext. 7005

Kevin Bedard - Web Development Co-ordinator
Cell: (613) 921-8280